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Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I hear a challenge, I have a race/drift layout you can try people.
Ill run the server for a test see who can get teh fastest lap; ... s.php?host=LFS+Speed+Test

I leave it running till end of the world...
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Damn thought I had got away without buying xmas presents, bah humbug
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Krane :Finland's retarded movie administration/marketing firms release the film here 14months after the first worldwide screening....

The Intouchables/Koskemattomat/En oväntad vänskap IMDB 8,6 [email protected] votes. See it.

Fantastic film gets the recommended thumbs up from me
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
older wiser but never slower !!!!!11

Happpy Birthday
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :That is supposed to mean that player has hacked a packet. But obviously could be a bug. If it can be reproduced, please tell me how it happens.

I've attached one to this post.

Yes terrible timing. This happened once before, this year. Some kind of computer problem, don't know what.

We have started a temporary master server and a temporary placeholder website, so you may be able to get online any time soon.

Seems to be working at moment / hopefully might get some sleep yet
Maybe issue with skin downlaods? getting error /
SKIN: Could Not Connect - blabla

after this initial error got this

Turn off skin downloads is fine
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :you must have a magic version of opera. i dont get this. just times out and cant connect

it timed out at 10.54pm not been refreshing to see if came back

BUT ***** Edit

Unlocked S2 account ok / updated via LFSforum ok / browse in game server list ok 23.28pm
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), .
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
damn!! finished work early start LFS and its down argghhhh

Looking forward to trying .6D the test patches were nice leading upto this point, can see & feel the difference in the latency of servers and other cars/clients/racers for sure.

*if helps i can reach I see the grid and key to login / click the key and get message: get login info

tried in opera and logged in / so looks like slowly coming back to life / 22.50pm BST
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), .
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Mysho :The typical process for every (serious) racer:

1. Be entertained with LFS for first couple of years
2. Join leagues, win races, be happy about what you achieved
3. When you have time, do some hotlaps, upload it to LFSW and see how awesome you are
4. Be less entertained with LFS for next couple of years
5. Be sad about old content and that you still drive same old thing over and over again without lack of updates which you were used to
6. Stop playing LFS that much
7. Start occupying forum instead of turning on LFS
8. Raise your post count, don't turn LFS at all from now on
9. Moan about how old LFS is and how you don't have time for that because your real life finally advanced somewhere
10. Remember some nostalgie memories every now and then
11. Be still around if something pops up in following 5 years.
12. Never give up on LFS as a whole, because it did find you some friends and gave some really nice memories in past

MM I'm still at no3 you guys get bored easy
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
^ what Degats Said but there is a little more to windows 8 then meets the eye.
And yeah its now called "modern ui"
I am a little curious why people complain about the start menu / before this it was CLI / for me it is just evolving with the times. The desktop is just a click away so why the fuss / create own start menus with toolbars.
The more I use Windows 8 the more I like it For me the tile system works well as an overview to the PC. Want to go work power user style use desktop.

Now normally when installing a new operating system, I would do a clean install and dual boot. But the issues regarding GPT/MBR installs from USB/EFI caused me a few headaches + raid arrays.
So I just upgraded the OS....
The USB issue kicked in after on first boot into installed OS.
On the first boot, all was ok USB was fine / it was on the 2nd reboot that USB was killed by OS disabling AI chargers hooks into the controllers.
W8 would not let me uninstall the software
Only solution was as in 1st post.
Odd thing is mates at work with Intel (cwhh /me spits)
W8 application compatibility checker sees AIChargers as incompatible as asks user to remove.
This seems to be bug with AMD systems.
Anyways in my humble opinion hardware is becoming more geared to mobility and the trend is now even influencing the largest X86 chip makers (Intel AMD).
Hence the changes for the largest X86 OS = W8

Windows 8 does improve on multi monitor support / I have yet to test the capabilities of the capabilities per application / per screen etc.

I do plan to test this soon and will report on LFS behaviour if any odd stuff happens, prolly keep it to this thread or mmm will see what happens.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Decided to reboot / LFS still unlocked / phew. Seems was as suspected USB controller messing with windows activation.
Windows 8 - Unlocking LFS Bug? *not a bug*
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I have Installed Windows 8 Pro after getting it cheap (£10) windows expertzone offer / upon rebooting after unlocking LFS / I Have had to unlock it again for a 2nd time no hardware changes made - software issue reason for reboot was the USB software provided by Asus caused an incompatibility for the USB controllers so windows 8 disabled them at startup (great!)
(using a new os with no mouse \o/)

I fear to try reboot again

Any chance of increasing unlocks - just in case this turns out to be lost each reboot.
At moment I dont want to test until I get some more unlocks please.

*edit USB isssue is AICharger = there is a update that resloves the controller issue*
**windows update does not provide an update**
*** Here is fix***
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : info
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Kiyoshi You mean like growing a strange beard or becoming a superhero or even an demigod?

Long live LFS
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
If I can get the time off work, and on the grid this should be amazing (y)
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
The Racing
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :Metallica
Couldn't believe they played Orion when I was there


I saw Oasis before they were really big at my local park, really awesome atmosphere there just a few hundred people on a lazy afternoon.
Never really liked big events, just too many people to feel connected to all thats going on.

One duo I would love to find busking around town are these guys.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Sounds like packet delay to me "TCP ACK frequency" perhaps?
I know that a value of 2 will result in above error.

Default I think is 1
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Yep my bad *ninja edited* , will be interesting to see where this leads.
Already we have had driving games based on frostbite if memory serves me correct.
BeamNG - Soft body physics
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Anyone spotted this? ... ;feature=player_embedded#!

Quite cool stuff
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : title moaning :)
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Now is not the time for mods for LFS.
LFS is what it is like it, love it or hate it, but don't change it.
Inspire motivate the community, discuss things that you might want to get from a mod, but talk about the idea, work out the crinkles.

Its like this

Family one child > one day child wants to leave home> bored with life >

Now obvious parents worry that creation will be corrupted and be lost in the matrix of life.

LFS is that child grown, looking to find new horizons, new challenge.
WIth guidance or not it may or may not reach the potential of its capability.
Communication = knowledge = power to do good or bad with what you know.
So the story goes /the end.......

Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from fatalunfair :Wow, people been expecting S3 since 2007..

mm 2003
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Great work chaps
Guide to a happier life.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Heh right on Col, I enjoyed your comment so much I have wrote a Guide to help the future race(r)s

"Guide to a happier life."

One Man once said to me "I think this period where the physics engine has stayed relatively the same for the last years or so has been golden.
"Hmmm golden" you might say. I say it has been a perfect time to really get to understand how my sets work with the cars I drive, the people i Race against.
People complain of the same tracks, I do long for more tracks and open configs made LFS alot more interesting and I have found a few to be quite excellent indeed.
Did I mention some of the racing in the last few years has been closest and best ever!!!!!

Other people and I mean by this, a large majority of LFS users, get bored way
way to easily.
I often wonder if they "did not play chess as a child, or snooker, football baseball basketball or go climbing swimming? build a rope swing, ride motorcyle, drive a car etc"
Obviously if your a girl its things like "barbie, getting away with everything and advanced lie detection and torture, and nail and beauty class"

But back to the guide people
If "they" "you" "me" actually live a Life, where others depend on others or things break, you learn all to quickly this lesson.
Learning to plan ahead and understanding that some things need to be done before others, quite important fact of life.
Even more important putting this all into context.

LFS is a Online Racing Simulator.
This is a Forum for the above simulator.
You are quite possibly sat down on a chair.
See the window in the room you are in?
Look out there is something called "outside"

Waits for the meaning of the above few statements and questions to sink in.

Now unless you live in a cave or are locked in a room at work (yes ok i know there are two at least here who fall into this ( Hi Scawen and Eric) )
You may be permitted to leave the building. if you still are unable to see outside.

If you feel unable to remove your rear from the chair or whatever seating device you might find yourself attached to.
There is thing called "other stuff" this is much more interesting then negatively commentating on things of which mostly no-one knows anything about, discussing this can lead to madness, as witnessed here quite possibly.
If you are unable to find "other stuff" there is thing called power switch.

IF still unable to grasp there is more to life then complaining, Wait a few minutes and reality may ressume.
might be no hope if you come back on-line with your phone to read the next part.

"Try doing something else for a bit"

And here is important part, once you done enough of other stuff, can always come back to LFS to check if overcooked or not.

Some people.... even though they know its a 3 man team + with help from the community, continue to attack the process and the progress.
It has slowly turned into the 3 man team vs community. Anyone standing up gets taken out by the sniper trolls.

Saddens me to see LFS being critised, now that is fine as long as done in the right way.
But here in its own forums the topics and arguements that make more orbits then all the satalites combined makes even "The Zohan" sad, dizzy and confused.
All he want is silky smooth LFS race!
The levels of stupidity from perhaps a selfishness on both sides for all the wrong reasons has brought it to this point

But time will tell if I am right or wrong, or if all are all wrong, and no-one was right, and those that were right, even being proved wrong at the end.
*ed* "How to right that wrong the right way if it really went that wrong."

Maybe if I avoided all the cracks on the pavement for a day .....
Or maybe hope for a new colour in the rainbow

The world would be a nicer place perhaps....

But really all I want Victor to design a dream
Eric to just use his art to silence the madness
and Scawen to drive the darkness away.

More then all I want to see more love around here guys, if you feel LFS is losing its way, lets be positively constructive. Hate is a horrible emotion that spreads like a wave, wether you realise it or not. To me its a failing of modern society, this fashion of hate and cool.

don't worry be happy now
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Lets see what this Friday build brings so far discussion regarding FF seem promising from the recent build. ... ?6041-Build-209-(Manager-)
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
/me Grabs Cuppa
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I thought this would be the case if both PCS were connected to a host
(shift f8) shows this synchronisation on the client side I do believe.
My point just hopefully points towards the bug/problem OP has with systems.
It Would be interesting to learn a little more about PPS and how this works with RTC clock,I assume any iregular beviour on the host would cause errors of some kind or do the packets themselves regulate the overall RTC/timing on the host. .
But I so damn lazy